Tag Archives: Occupy Wall Street

Music Video Featuring Videos from Occupy 2011

An interesting thing happened back in November – I got a message in my inbox asking if I would be alright with the potential use of my footage in an upcoming music video. I agreed, and recently got a message sharing this:

My footage didn’t make it in – but honestly, that’s fine. I was admitedly a little concerned that this would wind up being something glorifying anarchy – but watch the whole thing, take note of the images we see. Happy protesters, mad protesters, people caught in the middle, calm police, rough housing police, calm protesters, protesters destroying things and being violent. It’s a broad swath of the humanity at play in the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring in the fall of 2011. That and the song -is- good.

These folks were polite enough to approach and ask for permission – and at the end credited ALL contributions! No matter where they’re coming from, these folks deserve a shoutout and respect! Also – the fact that all footage was taken from citizen journalists and folks on the ground like me? Very cool, very awesome, and worthy of applause.

So what do you think? Thought provoking commentary on humanity, or sappy hippy style unicorns and rainbows?

ALSO! There’s a podcast today. On KSDT! Click the tab up above labelled ‘The Invisible Voice’ for more information!

An Open Response to an Occupy San Diego Sympathizer

No-one responded to my question about whether or not to respond openly to a pm I got – so I decided to go do it anyways! Below is the message in full. I understand it’s a busy week for everybody – but all the same I hope I get you folks on the weekend. The video in question is linked in my previous post

Quick note to site newbies, please read the about tab before jumping to conclusions about how I tick, kay?

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A Souring on the Occupy Movement

Alright folks – I know I do this way too much, but in this case it’s warranted.

I owe you guys an explanation. This content draught has gone on much longer then usual, and before I unleash the full flood gates of what I’ve been up to – allow me to cover one of the reasons I’ve been very quiet over the past two months.

To put it simply, it’s been the Occupy Movement.

Over the past month, I really sat down and dunked my head deep into the mire that is politics. Not only did I absorb news coverage from all angles, I personally went down to Occupy San Diego on its opening day and took over 100 photos and several video clips. I have gone over and collected a few different manifestos, watched countless videos, really sat down and took it in. I published an initial impression of the overall movement. My first take – even after a half a week of thought, me trying to be fair! –  was that the soul of the movement was fueled by anti capitalism, and that troublemakers and professional protesters would hijack any moderates trying to turn it into a tea party like movement.

I have strong reason today to tell you, my audience, that I think my initial impressions were correct.

Tomorrow I’ll share with you a document I received about two weeks ago at the short lived “Occupy UCSD” movement tied in to the broader “Occupy Higher Education” tiied in to the “Occupy Everything” movement. I’ll happily go over – bullet point by bullet point – why their manifesto – one approved by Occupy San Diego and Occupy Wall Street – betrays the initial message of bi partisanship.

This movement has been coopted all along by Big Labor and hard leftists who want to crash the system to bring about socialism. THAT SAID. Believe me, I know that there are libertarians and ordinary minded folks frustraited with the system in this group – but their voices are being drowned out. I contend that all along, the idea has been to get folks hungry and angry through long term occupations, and then wield them as blunt instruments to bring about societal tension. Residents around the occupations get angry. The activists get angry. Inevitably, confrontations happen and they are gleefully embraced by the leaders of the movement.

Observe the videos below.

1) Occupy DC mob Injures elderly Woman at Americans for Prosperity Reagan Memorial Dinner

2) Attack Victims interviewed

How is this supposed to bring about meaningful reform and change? How is physcially intimidating, harrasing, and wounding people you disagree with supposed to color your organization in a good light? The occupy DC group expressely said multiple times that their intent was to bar conservatives from leaving the event. Why? What was that supposed to do? The event was hardly a sinister meeting of the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ – it was a remembrance of what would have been Ronald Reagan’s 100th birthday.

I’ll go into more detail on this later – but to sum, my biggest problem with the Occupy movement has been my impression that they act like a mob. They practice mob justice, they circle the wagons and/or excuse most criticism, and they more or less allow the vagrants and violent members to do their thing unchallenged. “We can’t police free speech!” after all. The overall attitude in my eyes is that their flagship inspiration – Tahir Square and the Arab Spring – is misguided. It seems like they feel that all they have to do is camp out for weeks on end, make noise, and get what they want. That is not how politics works.

Meaningful politics involves actual action. Sitting in a square doesn’t count. I’m talking about things similar to Occupy’s teach ins, but done less destructively. Things that local tea party groups around the country (including one I’m getting involved in) do every day. Yes, folks, it is possible to be a political activist while having a life and a job. I intend to prove that over the next several months.

Do I see a crash coming? Yeah. Does that mean I think we should embrace what amounts to socialist anarchy? NOPE. I believe in reaching out to all ideologies in the goal of destroying corruption and bringing back an emphasis on locality in politics. It’s very possible, it’s hard work, and oh yeah – it’s been done. WITHOUT MOBS IN THE STREETS.

Mobs in the streets are bad things, folks, no matter who is part of them. You can have the noblest, most decent people on the planet in a mob – and bad things will happen when bad apples act. I’m not decrying all protests – but I AM decrying protests that are largely aimless, anarchistic, and open ended in nature because the founders of the movement deliberately wanted them to be that way.

Remember that I think that we have elements in power right now who want to create problems so they can force in the solutions of their choosing. Van Jones, here’s looking at you.


PS: I will do an audio segment tonight or tomorrow on me and my plans and thoughts. As I’m becoming very fond of saying – We live in interesting times. Take nothing for granted, folks, and keep a careful, skeptical eyes on the news.

Quick Update: A List of Demands?

A potential list of demands for the occupy movement has finally presented itself. I’m still working on a post covering my overall thoughts – this will have some effect, but my main points of contention remain. Here it is, for those of you inclined to peek at it – I’ll pick it apart in detail later today/as I have time to do so!

The living, breathing manifesto 

This is a constantly adapting document – and it’s a meaty one. I’ll explain more in detail, but my immediate thoughts –

  1. This seems like a lot of policy, very quickly
  2. Many of the issues are overtly partisan
  3. Explanations of propositions are simplistic and full contextual links are not always provided
  4. Too many issues at once risks alienating potential supporters more then it will attract them
  5. A significant portion of the movement feels that publishing any demands is wrong, and it speaks volumes of their motives
It’s important to note that this isn’t an “Official” policy brief. It’s the closest thing the movement has to one, however.



The Occupy Movement – A Few Links Worth Sharing

…because ultimately these folks give word to the issues better then I could. Links and more of my thoughts after the jump.

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Quick Update on Coverage of Occupy San Diego

Well that was a wild ride!

I just got back from the protests, and I took just over a gigabyte of photos and video. And of course, I didn’t take my transfer cord with me when I hoofed it to the Star Bucks in La Jolla.

I’ll fetch it and start uploading photos in about two hours. I need warm food, hot coffee, and a breather. It was a bit wild.

Quick thoughts: I would guestimate a presence of about 500, 800 people. I’m no good at gauging these things, so I would invite you folks to do so. They were enough to fill the street of about one city block in down town San Diego.

A -lot- of lefties. I saw anarchists, the Green Party, labor unions, end the fed people, Anti war protestors, and more then a few Guy Fawkes masks. The crowd was mostly college aged people, but there was a significant old hipster movement.

Chants I heard that stick out – “This is what democracy looks like” “We are the 99%” “End the Fed”, etc.

Thank you for your patience folks! I know I’m dumb for not being able to upload a darn thing right now.

Note to readers- I was there from 3:30 to roughly 5pm. I booked it as soon as Civic center plaza was occupied.

UPDATE: Pictures! Context pending.

Update: and a video!

Occupy San Diego Coverage – the Plan

Today I am going to downtown San Diego in order to document the sympathy occupy wall street protest that is planned for today, October 7th, at 4:30 pm. I will be there for roughly two to three hours with the intention to take photos and possibly video in the role of an outside observer.

Full disclosure: I am a tea party sympathizer and a independent minded conservative. However- today I will be an observer and attempt to provide broad, contextual coverage of events as they take place. I am not attending to incite or to provoke, but instead to answer some questions:

  • Who is behind the event?
  • Who will actually attend? (in broad terms, not specific persons)
  • How many will attend?
  • What will be the agreed upon central message?
  • Will the protesters be civil?
I encourage people who wish to protest to do so, and celebrate the exercising of their constitutional rights. That said, effective protesters are the ones who are non violent, rational, and respectful in expressing their views. I sincerely hope that today’s protests live up to these expectations.